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Subject: Re: vote by Halo
By: Jiggy
Date: 12/03/2001 05:42:23 pm PST
I'd like to think they like it, Halo. =P
*heads off to retie Rena to them*

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Subject: Top Woman?
By: mankey68
Date: 12/12/2001 12:11:44 pm PST
Well, she does LOOK cute.
But seeing that she is at the top of the list
and Misty isn't, well:

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Subject: Re: Top Woman?
By: BejiitasGirl
In Reply to: mankey68 (Original Message)
Date: 12/12/2001 04:44:44 pm PST
...That was utterly Stupid.

>Well, she does LOOK cute.
>But seeing that she is at the top of the list
>and Misty isn't, well

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Subject: Re: vote by Ayla
By: Jiggy
Date: 12/14/2001 07:59:30 pm PST
You have to say something when you vote, and when we can't
think of anything to say, we just put a face. *^_^;

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Subject: Re: vote by Emerald
By: Emerald
Date: 12/24/2001 08:10:12 am PST
OH, screw screw screw.... Did it again.. ^^;;;;;;;;;

Sorry guys..

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Subject: Re: vote by SmallPinkMouse
By: Jiggy
Date: 12/24/2001 06:27:29 pm PST
Hmm... Okay, thanks SPM! *^__^

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Subject: Re: vote by SmallPinkMouse
By: Emerald
Date: 12/29/2001 01:56:01 pm PST
>So if any of you got hold of 1-555-Goddess by accident what would you wish for? o_O

I can't vote (or, I mean.. I WON'T) So I'll reply...

I would wish for... Well, I would say a manga girl's body, but that's kinda shallow.. ^^;;;; Um... probably some kinda power.. like a healing touch. ^-^

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Subject: Re: vote by gogohan
By: RanmasGirlKM
Date: 12/29/2001 06:39:52 pm PST
>she looks goodv

guys if you keep voting for Bell you have to vote for the othes so they stay at the same amount.

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Subject: Re: vote by SmallPinkMouse
By: Jiggy
Date: 12/29/2001 07:44:11 pm PST
>So if any of you got hold of 1-555-Goddess by accident what would you wish for? o_O

I'd wish for one of these things: *^__^;;;

A - This one girl in my school who looks like a real-life Mina with shorter hair and hazel eyes (she even likes Sailor Moon AND she's even on the volleyball team! *^__^). *^_^; I might actually not wish for that cause I think she's beginning to fall for me on her own... *^__^

B - Good looks so that if she DID fall for me, the chance of me feeling bad cause I didn't think I looked good enough for her would be completely eliminated. *^__^

C - The ability to reflect sunlight so that I could go to the beach or a pool and swim forever... Well, that and look at completely G-rated bikini girls for hours on end without worrying about a suntan. *^___^

D - Alternatively, the ability to turn invisible at will so that I could hang out in the girls' locker room. In this case, the girls would never actually NOTICE me staring at them, which is a bonus... But the problem is that girls are at the beach or a pool for all hours of the day, whereas a locker room would be rather restricted... @_@

E - Here's where we get really creative. *^_^ Partial X-ray vision. Partial meaning that I could see through outer clothes, but NOT through underwear, because that wouldn't be X-ray vision, that would be X-RATED vision. @__@ Uh, yeah. *^_^; Anyway, yes, something like what happened in the six or so minutes I ever caught of the show "Smallville"... Clark didn't know how to control his X-ray vision yet and so he ended up looking through the wall into the girls' locker room and seeing them in their underwear, I believe. *^_^; I don't remember.

F - Even MORE creative: Reverse X-ray vision. *^_~ Well, more accurately, the ability to create illusions in my own mind... Cause as we all know, I'm excessively squeamish when it comes to female body parts that rate more than a PG... (example: Me taking off my glasses, then looking down at the ground, then closing my eyes, then covering my eyes because of that one scene in the movie Titanic. *^__^;;;) So hopefully what I could do is create this thing where I never ever have to see nudity, because I'm a... yargh, where's Emerald-chan when I need her? *^__^; I'm a... a... I think the word is "prude?" O_o Something like that. Well, I'm that and I don't think seeing that sorta stuff is a good thing. So if I could block it out in my own mind, that'd be cool. *^__^ Plus, if I could create illusions, that means I could create G-rated images for myself all the time. Now, normally that would be better than the invisible stuff I mentioned before, but the downside to creating illusions is that they're limited to my imagination... And as I told my favorite Mina-girl on the last day before winter break, I could never have imagined a girl as sweet and pretty as her if I hadn't met her first. *^_~

Okay, that's about it. *^__^;

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Subject: Re: vote by SmallPinkMouse
By: Jiggy
Date: 01/13/2002 11:01:41 am PST
>I can see it going further than that! @_@
>My questions would be, what limit should we put on the number of girls we tie together, if we do put a limit on it should we go with the same girls from season to season or rotate out old ones and put in new ones in each reset, and, if we do limit it what's the max number we should take from each series? o_O

(I realize this isn't a vote, but that's because I'm currently attempting to get Azalyn into the tie too. *^___~)

I think the limit, if we make one, should be as many girls at the top as members of our tie-creating group here. *^_^;
Now, for series, I don't believe it really matters. *^_^; If the girl is cute, she's cute! *^__^ I don't think we should limit the number of girls per series.

However, the rotation idea sounds interesting... And I have an idea on how this could work. *^_^ Before each reset, each person selects up to three girls who they want to see in the top... Then, all girls mentioned who were already at the top will not rotate out, and new ones will rotate in.

For example, SPM could choose Belldandy, Shampoo, and Mina, I could choose Mina, Azalyn, and Rena, Tify (assuming she were to join the group in order to achieve benefits for the Dejiko and Usada Hikaru boards she created) could choose Rena and the two boards I mentioned, Emerald could choose Shampoo, Mina, and Aeris... And so on.
Since there would be crossovers in choices, this would probably still stay with my limitation idea of only having as many girls represented as there are people here. Well, okay, maybe not probably... Just possibly. *^__^; Even in the above example, we get 8 girls and only four people choosing for the rotation... But then again, as the number of people choosing increases, the ratio of girls to selecters should go down. Potentially. *^_^;

A primary problem with that idea, though, is that if someone saw that one of their boards was already "saved" by being chosen not to rotate out, they wouldn't create a duplicate choice... So it would have to go through another party who would collect our votes, and that could cause a bit of trouble. *^_^;

Of course, if each person had to choose only one person to remain at the top, it COULD work... But the problem is, we'd still have a fair idea of what each of the others would be choosing (for example, I might vote for Azalyn even though I wouldn't normally, because I figured Emerald would go ahead and vote for Mina and Tify would probably vote for Rena) and it still wouldn't be a completely fair system. *^_^; Besides, then we'd all want to vote for more than one girl. Come to think of it, even if we were voting for three girls to be at the top, we'd still want to vote for more. @_@ I mean, we just LOVE our anime girls, so...

...Yargh, forget it. *^__^; I'm confusing even myself with this complication. @_@

But anyway, I do still believe we should maintain a limit where the number of girls in our, err, "elite" can be no greater than the number of us voting. *^_^;

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