Tenchi TV (Universe) 1

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Tenchi TV (Universe) 1
Overall- great!
I really like the animation (very smooth), the music (just listen to the opening theme: it's great!), and the characters are soooo wonderful (All the time I was sitting in front of the TV yelling "GO GO, WASHU!!!" whenever she appeared!)
Oh well. Nothing more to say...^^ (only one thing: WATCH IT IMMEDIATLY!!!)

Overall Rating: 9
Weight: 1 (Unreliable Vote)
Link to this vote: http://www.excelsis.com/1.0/displayvote.php?voteid=16355

Tenchi TV (Universe) 1
Well, I personally don't think it's as good as the OVA (many of you probably agree, ne?) but it still kicks @$$! I especially love the music (opening and ending themes!!) and I think it's funnier than the OVA too(reeeeally close call though). Good consistent animation considering this is a TV series! The animation was best in TMiL 1 (hey, my opinion) But I'd most certainly reccomend it to anyone! ^.^

Overall Rating: 9
Weight: 1 (Unreliable Vote)
Link to this vote: http://www.excelsis.com/1.0/displayvote.php?voteid=16358

Tenchi TV (Universe) 1
Good cohesive story line. Mihoshi is as dumb as ever. Ryo-ohki is the bomb!!!

Overall Rating: 9
Weight: 1 (Unreliable Vote)
Link to this vote: http://www.excelsis.com/1.0/displayvote.php?voteid=16359

Tenchi TV (Universe) 1
Some might say that it's unfair to judge Tenchi Universe by comparing it to the Tenchi Muyo OAVs, but frankly I don't think it's fair to do judge it any other way. And I'll not mince words. Tenchi Universe is inferior to its predecessor. The wonderful character backgrounds of the OAVs have been greatly simplified, often with the most intriguing elements removed, and the story is more clichéd and takes a long time to get going. Also, unlike in the OAVs, we don't see how, when, or why Ryoko and Ayeka fall in love with Tenchi; it just sort of happens at some undefined point in the series. However, being an inferior anime to Tenchi Muyo is like being an inferior artist to Leonardo da Vinci: hardly a disgrace. And the characters' personalities are similar enough to the originals that, if you liked them in the original, you'll probably like them here too. In addition, new characters have been added: Mihoshi's straight-laced partner Kiyone, the bounty hunter Nagi, who is an old rival of Ryoko's (along with her own cabbit-ship, Ken-Ohki, who's in love with Ryo-Ohki), and the Juraian knights Azaka and Kamidake, who Ayeka's Guardians of the same names had their personalities based on. Unfortunately, the villain of the series is Kagato in name only; he bares no resemblance to the OAV character in appearance, background, or motivation. And quite frankly, he's not worthy of the name Kagato. Although his lack of character depth is largely a result of not being present until the final stretch of the series, the fact is that he doesn't have the "I'm so cool I don't need character development" aura that the original Kagato projects. Also, while this series is, at 26 episodes, nearly twice as long as the OAVs, this comes at the expense of a number of filler episodes, such as "No Need for Resident Officers", "No Need for a Ghost", and the worst episode of the series, "No Need for Hunger". These episodes serve no purpose other than to lengthen the series, and in the case of such episodes, their titles are all too accurate a description of the episodes themselves (nearly all the episodes of this series begin with the words "No Need for", BTW). These are episodes for which there truly is "No Need". Fortunately, the filler is balanced out by such high-quality episodes as the excellent 3-part "Time and Space Adventures", "No Need for a Rebellion" (in which the main story finally takes off), and the incredibly poingant "No Need for Ryoko". And while some people found the ending unsatisfying (I've heard people gripe that "No Need for a Conclusion" was all too accurate a title for the final episode), bear in mind that however much it might seem to have reverted things to the pre-"Time and Space Adventures" status quo, all of the character development of the 2nd half of the series has still occurred. And if the ending leaves you wanting more, remember that there is more. The 1st and 3rd Tenchi movies are a direct continuation of Tenchi Universe.

In short, while Tenchi Universe isn't as good as its predecessor, it's still a good anime that I'd recommend without hesitation to anyone who liked the original.

Overall Rating: 8
Animation:9 Plot:7 Humor:8 Sound Track:10
Weight: 10 (Trustworthy Vote)
Link to this vote: http://www.excelsis.com/1.0/displayvote.php?voteid=100825

Tenchi TV (Universe) 1
Tenchi Universe review

(Remember, if this review is helpful or well-written, please give me a good rating (down below)! Thanks for your support! *^__^)

Solid and clean, but there weren't any sequences in the show that required heavily detailed animation, so I can't grade based on the full abilites of the animators... I didn't get to see those abilities.

The story itself manages to fall somewhere in-between creative and clichéd, but this is a show where each character is so well-defined and so developed that it really doesn't matter. You love the characters (or you hate them... but if you hate them, it's because you love another one more) and even if you can usually miss an episode or two and then come back later without missing any important storyline points, you do enjoy each episode's storyline and it's genuinely entertaining to watch.

The Tenchi series, as a whole, is probably the most famous "guy with a bunch of girls who want him" anime ever made, and it's with good reason: Not only can the show get funny when the girls are around Tenchi, the show gets funny even when Tenchi's just a background character (the Mecha-Washu episode, the Kiyone and Mihoshi episode). The girls can be standalone characters, and for that reason, the show is funny from moment to moment and doesn't let up until it's time to get serious at the end.

Excellent. Not only is the music fun, but it usually fits the situation and manages to help the mood.

Tenchi Universe is not a series you can afford to miss. When I think of the top five anime series in America, there are two spots that differ from time to time (I know that Slayers and Evangelion have massive fan followings, but I always stop to think about whether "best" means having the most devoted fans or simply having the most fans period), but there are three that I always think of as the top: Sailor Moon, Dragonball Z, and Tenchi. The difference is, while people tend to have love-hate relationships with SM and DBZ, there aren't many people I can think of who don't like Tenchi.
Highly recommended.

A list of my other 29 anime reviews:
Right here
All of the series I've reviewed are listed at the bottom of the Saint Tail review.

Overall Rating: 9
Animation:8 Plot:8 Humor:9 Sound Track:9
Weight: 40 (Reputable Vote)
Link to this vote: http://www.excelsis.com/1.0/displayvote.php?voteid=93251

Tenchi TV (Universe) 1
Not as good as the OAV, but I liked it. They dig a little deeper into everyones feelings. If you liked the original OAVS, youll like this one too! ^^

Overall Rating: 8
Animation:10 Plot:8 Humor:8 Sound Track:7
Weight: 10 (Trustworthy Vote)
Link to this vote: http://www.excelsis.com/1.0/displayvote.php?voteid=75370

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