Neon Genesis Evangelion: End Of Evangelion

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Neon Genesis Evangelion: End Of Evangelion
At end of Neon Genisis Evangelion is a good End. I real like when Shinji Ikari, Auska Langley, Rei Ayanami and Miracle thinking their mind. I like the end of the Neon Genisis Evangelion.

Overall Rating: 1
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Neon Genesis Evangelion: End Of Evangelion
If you like it so much why did you give it "1", it
should be "10", Buddy!....

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Neon Genesis Evangelion: End Of Evangelion
This movie is incredible and quite frankly the best movie I have ever seen. It is a wonderful way to end the series because it is just as intriguing and subverse as the 24 episodes before it. However, people who come expecting a massive mecha extraviganza will be very disapointed because most of the action is internal. Don't worry if you can't really grasp what takes place durring the movie either, just sit back take a hit off a pipe or put back a brew, and enjoy the ride because its very taxing on the mind if you fight it.


Overall Rating: 10
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Neon Genesis Evangelion: End Of Evangelion

It was a good although depressing ending to Evangelion. And unlike what some people said yes, both Shinji and Asuka do survive at the end and not because they are Evangelion pilots but because they have the will to make be alive again/the will to make their wish to come true (which has always been the message of Evangelion - eg. Misato in ep 24: the one who deserves to survive is the one who is willing to make it happen). Clearly Anno suggested that although the two characters are more screwed up than the rest of the Evangelion crew, at least they have strongers will to be alive.

Overall Rating: 10
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Neon Genesis Evangelion: End Of Evangelion
OK, time for some interpritation discussion.

BIG spoiler warning. Also, all you pousers that haven't seen a frame of this film, and talk like you know it all, please vacate.

**This is the ending which exists in my mind**

**Why is it that Asuka and Shinji are still alive, but no-one else?

SHINJI RAN AWAY! There was no groundbreaking revalation, there was no great choise between death and rebirth, Shinji just ran away, back to earth. Asuka is still alive because her mother re-formed her (partialy). I assume Shinji knows Asuka is alive (After all, she is never seen during the collection of souls, when Unit-01 enters Lilith, this is the time, that if she was dead, we'd have seen her) so he wants to join her in life. For it is writen that a man should leave his father and mother, and become one with woman...or somthing like that.

**what's the deal with that Rei ghost?

Ohhh, that's just Anno. He wanted to end Eva the same way he started it so he could look cool. The Rei ghost is an embodyment of the Anti-AT field (that is why people bust when she touches them).

**What about the rest of man kind?

You see that ring of blood around earth? That's us. Not really going anywhere.

**What about Gendo?

Gendo was just a tool. He was Yui's tool, carrying out her wishes. Gendo can't be excused from treating his son like shit, but anyway his excuse is that he wants the past in the past, he wants it to stay the same, that is why he cares for Rei (who stays the same) and Rejects Shinji (who will change) His death scene is all wrong in my opinion. Unit one is leaving earths atmsphere, and all of a sudden its at the bttom of terminal dogma? WTH? Even so, it's obvious Gendo won't join the instrumentality he set into motion.

**Is this truly THE END of Evangelion?

It's the end of the Evangelions. Unit one is drifting out into space, and only Shinji can pilot it anyway, so whoever find it will probably find more use in the lance than in Unit-01. Unit-02 is scrap meat. The eva series all suicided. And all micellanious Evas either got ripped to shreds, sucked into a dirac sea, or blown to Hell. As for Shinji and Asuka...See "Eva After in Gods Country" by Donna Liston.

**Is it depressing or optomistic?


We're talking Grave of the Fireflys here, people. Anno is out to make a bad situation worse, just to dig us into 5-mile-deep plot. And then he hits us with the montage and live action shit, in the end, everyone is dead. Don't I feel super?

A real suprisingly depressing scene is when Shinji flashes back to where his mother discusses her plan for Eva, and she reveals that she will live forever inside. Then they show a shot of Unit-01 drifting out into space...HEY, guess what, Yui gets to spend eternity drifting away from anything that ever had meaning in her life, including Shinji who has to say goodbye to his mother. I MEAN THE BIG GOODBYE! Like there is no power anywhere on earth that can allow us to see each otheer. That's just SAD.

I think I would have totaly redeemed Anno if he restored unto Shinji (As the 10 o'clock assassin calls her) Asuka: The Queen of Freaking Everything, but no, he leaves us with ZOMBIE ASUKA! -_- Grrrrrr

**25 and 26 or 25' and 26'?

25 AND 26!

The TV ending is the way it ends. Shinji learns to love himself, it's self redemption Inner confrontation and it is glorious (sure it's pretty cheap and most of it is old footage, but it still accomplishes.) All you people who say that the two endings are compatable, What the hell are you smoking? If the two endings were compatable Asuka would have hugged Shinji and congratulated him.

**What was your favorite part of EoE?



in the End:

If the big deal in Evangelion is the resolution of character, and the act of changing the way you live, then why kill people before they can make a difference? The TV ending promises life after death for the characters, while EoE offers little hope for our merry band. Tagged on to that is a bunch of cheap stuff(Montage, fillers) which is what got everyone pissed off in the first place, but not me very mutch.




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Neon Genesis Evangelion: End Of Evangelion
Great movie!!
Very confusing as well....
Anyway, Eva rulez!! Hahaha

Overall Rating: 10
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Neon Genesis Evangelion: End Of Evangelion
I loved Evangelion.
And to all you itiots that thought that everyone on Earth was dead. there not
you see after the 3rd impact had occured since Shinji was in his Eva he had created a large hole in the new being and after then all the humans souls had returned to their bodies youll notice them reforming in the backround when Shinji makes his wish.Unfortunately I heard that Misato and Kaji where permanently dead , and Rei was now an angel along with Koaru.
mark :10

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Neon Genesis Evangelion: End Of Evangelion
wow. a spectacular conclusion and farewell to this series.
a very deep, and emotionally/spiritually complex movie.

a note of caution, however: this would be quite confusing if you haven't seen the series. if you have seen the episodes, this is the final crown.

Overall Rating: 10
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Neon Genesis Evangelion: End Of Evangelion
This is Hideaki Anno venting all of his internal depression and angst onto his audience, don't be misled to believe that it is anything other than that. Anno DISREGUARDS the characters, snuffing every last one, before going on to have Shinji moan and complain for all of the rest of the movie. It's probably the whineyst anime screenplay I ever heard. To me, this is nothing more than the Anime equivelant of "Alex in Wonderland." Anno doesn't care about the characters he spent so long developing, he gives them 3 minutes for a death scene speech, and then snuffs thier asses like cigarettes. In Anno's twisted mind, it's all about Shinji, only about Shinji. Also, need I remind you that Shinji represents Anno himself? The guy's an egotist with issues.

Moving on...Let's talk recycled and cheap material, this thing is full of it. There is probably over 30 minutes of Still frame/reused footage/live action in this flick. Anno went half-assed, just like he did on the first ending. LOSER!

Moving on...Let's talk about originality. I think I saw every shot of this movie in Stanley Kubrik films before I saw it here. He blatently rips off 2001 when Lillith rises above earth and every shot thereafter. Then he goes on to blatently rip off Dr. Strangelove with his Apacolypse fun song.

Also, to the Canadian who said that People were re-born, stop sniffing the Glue. They're all dead, Except Shinji and THE ASUKA ZOMBIE, not the real Asuka, THE ASUKA ZOMBIE, see: disreguard of characters.

This is the most hyped up over-rated Anime film of all time, surpassing even AKIRA. Best anime of all time? Hardly, the series had it better the whole way through (even the depressing episodes at least treated the characters with dignity). I would rather take Macross DYRL (THE FAN SUB!) over this.

This is it for me. The Hype stops here.

And for a friend of mine, it stops here:


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Neon Genesis Evangelion: End Of Evangelion
I believe this is a stunning example of why Neon Genisis is the greatest!!!
It's so totally awesome!!!! one thing I really gotta say though is: isn't Shinji such a desperate mother f***er!!! God, he's only fourteen for christ sake!!!
He's is quite a sick little monkey, he has really changed from that whimpy little boy!!!but he's still cute.......

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Neon Genesis Evangelion: End Of Evangelion
I believe this is a stunning example of why Neon Genisis is the greatest!!!
It's so totally awesome!!!! one thing I really gotta say though is: isn't Shinji such a desperate mother f***er!!! God, he's only fourteen for christ sake!!!
He's is quite a sick little monkey, he has really changed from that whimpy little boy!!!but he's still cute.......

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Neon Genesis Evangelion: End Of Evangelion
I think my friend on top had said it best when he mentioned words like:


"Neon Genesis Evangelion" is nothing more than "Ranma 1/2" without martial arts and with MECHS. SHUT UP!! If it looks human and you pilot it, it's a MECHA. It is a complete waste of time and space. The characters herein should've been used in other works instead of garbage like this. I know that Shinji would do a world better in good shows like "To Heart," "Nuku^2 TV," and "Pocket Monsters." (151+ anime animals and we're losing real ones. Go figure. And also, I watch it because of the people in said show...)

So, unless Hideaki Anno makes it clear that he will lay off the soul-searching, my Anti-Eva page will continue to be up. To Hearts!

Overall Rating: 0
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Neon Genesis Evangelion: End Of Evangelion
Well, I thought this was a much better ending than the TV series. At least they showed how/why everybody got killed, rather than showing just corpses. So were shinji and asuka really alive at the end? they were dead like everybody else at the end of the TV series (which was supposed to be the more positive ending). I dont know, Im so confused 0_0.

Overall Rating: 8
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Neon Genesis Evangelion: End Of Evangelion
Perverted, disgusting, violent, and disturbing. And yet for some reason is one of the best movies I've ever seen. It still doesn't completely resolve every question, in fact it raises a few new ones, but thats perhaps why I like it so much, there so many questions to discuss and come up with your own conclusion. Everything about this movie is great, from the strange religious refrences, to the insane philosphy, the mecha violence, the sexual perversion, and yes even the live action are all awsome. Finally though I would like to say two things.
1. I still like the tv ending, just not as much.

Overall Rating: 10
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Neon Genesis Evangelion: End Of Evangelion
The thing I like in evangelion is the opening song. I wish i could DOWNLOAD it. If you have it plz email it to

*I was hoping in the episode 14 I think AUSKA KISSED ME instead of SHIN... whats he's name. HEHEHE Shinji.

Overall Rating: 10
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Neon Genesis Evangelion: End Of Evangelion
People can never understand
one another 100%....very true,
since most "people" who hate EOE
can´t come up with a better
reason for disliking it than:
"everybody´s dead! whine whine whine!"
....well, are you SURE you even
UNDERSTAND the plot?
If YOU people stopped sniffing
glue you might notice that there is
a lot of dialogue/scenes to
indicate that the human race CAN
return, and that is what Shinji wanted,
even if he was hurt again....the
fact that the final scenes were
extremely ambiguous just made it more
interesting....but NO, you people
need to have everything spelled out
for you, and even though it wasn´t
spelled out, you oddly enough still have these
rock-rigid ideas about what "really"
happened, As for the supposed "cheap"
montages and stills, BIG DEAL!
ever considered they were used for
artistic effect? but I suppose we should
all be bashing Anno for experimenting
with OUR beloved series? the fact
that the EVA series & movies still
has some of the best animation in recent
memory doesn´t count for anything either,
I suppose.....
I´ve heard a lot of whining about EOE,
and must conclude that VERY few of the
people who bash it, have anything valid
to say about it, everyone is entitled
to have their own opinion, of course,
but what bugs me is that instead of an
intelligent dissection of the movie´s
plot, themes and messages, it all seems
to boil down to personal attacks on Anno
for not being "nice" to OUR beloved
charachters, a lot can be said about EOE
but it certainly isn´t a simplistic
piece of throwaway-storytelling, if
anybody sees it that way, they´re not
trying hard enough to UNDERSTAND it.

By the way, the Movie & TV ending ARE
compatible in the way that they are both about
learning to accept yourself and the world
that surrounds you, the movie used a sci-fi/fantasy
story to tell it, the TV ending used random metaphysics
to tell it, Neon Genesis Evangelion is not a
story about religion, science or alternate realities,
it´s the story of a real person expressing his
viewpoint of the world using all these elements.
If you disagree with Anno´s message(s), that´s YOUR
problem....but at least you could try to


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Neon Genesis Evangelion: End Of Evangelion
PLEASE HELP ME!!! I need to see this movie, but i cant cause i dont have it. If you know of any way to obtain this movie in any format, of if you have it and your willing to sell it, or anything, please email me at
email me

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Neon Genesis Evangelion: End Of Evangelion
Attention all Human beings: It is possible to understand the movie and still hate it. Please be reminded of that.

I understand it. I hate it.

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Neon Genesis Evangelion: End Of Evangelion
Evangelion kicks ass what more is there to say!!!

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Neon Genesis Evangelion: End Of Evangelion
Those of you who haven't seen the movie yet should probably skip these notes (spoilers, etc.).

First off, yes, the ending is depressing as hell, yes, it is VERY Kubrickian (that is, 2001-ish), and yes, it is incompatible with the last two episodes (but then, the last two episodes had no meaning within the context of the series... they are nice little pictures of self-psychoanalysis, but could've been tacked on to the end of any series and made as much sense... it's Anno's attempt at therapy through work), but it is still an amazing movie, and a fantastic conclusion to an amazing series.

The portrait of the apocalypse in this movie - and it is an Apocalypse, complete with the reduction of the human race to a ball of organic fluid - is that of an inverted salvation. NERV is trying to save humanity through recreating it, and through that, recreating the world... and they succeed. Unfortunately, the guy at the switch - the one who is supposed to be guiding this new vision of the world - is Shinji, and Shinji is, unfortunately, a very fucked-up young man. He tries his best at creating a sort of utopia, and he does, for a moment, in his mind... but he loses it, it all falls apart, and the world he remakes in reality is not the one he remakes in his head. The human race - reduced to a sort of primordial sludge in anticipation of Shiji's recreation - is never recreated, and the destruction exists without a rebirth. That last image we get is Shinji waking up inside his creation, and it is not pretty - as a last image, nothing could be more downbeat than the hero strangling the corpse of a friend and moaning "I feel sick" - and given such a negative closing image, I think we're meant to assume the worst. In a sense, it is the ending of 2001 inverted... the attempt at evolution for humanity fails, and it is a most spectacular failure.

Anno is a twisted little bugger, and he hands us a very unpalatable ending with "End of Evangelion"... I think what really gets people mad (like the guy who said he understood the ending but still hated it) is the shock of it... we almost get a happy ending, and Anno goes and flips the movie on its head (for a real nice example of this sort of thing being done in live action, check out Terry Gilliam's "Brazil"... Gilliam describes this sort of thing as "cinematic rape"), and we lose our trust in him for that. But once you accept how utterly pich-black this movie's end is, it's pretty easy to appreciate the brilliance of End of Eva.

Overall Rating: 10
Weight: 1 (Unreliable Vote)
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