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Entry: Anime:Titles:Trigun

I've only seen the first couple of DVDs.

The animation is pretty descent, though the characters don't seem overly original; the main character reminds me of Ido from Gunnm and the girls remind me of Gunsmith Cats.

Plot is rather simple. Since it's a TV series, each episode seems to have it's own little subplot. Since I've only watched the first couple of DVDs, I couldn't tell if there is a single unifying plot. Each sub-plot is rather simple consisting of the traditional trouble->shootout->fixed theme.

Overll not too bad. I'm interested in finishing the series, though I hope there's a little more variety in the future episodes.

Overall Rating: 7
Animation:8 Plot:7 Humor:7
Weight: 10
Date: 07/25/2002 06:28:49 pm PST

Replies: 0

Entry: Anime:Titles:Vision of Escaflowne TV

This is one of the better TV series I've seen in a while.

The animation is modern with very fluid movement, great colors, and also great character design! There's dragons, castles, knights, flying gizmos, dog-men, and various machinery. Very well done!

Plot is very original, though somewhat esoteric as things develop. Some might say it gets a little bit silly (though they seem completely serious throughout). Originally I gave this a 10 for plot. However, upon watching it a 3rd time (during a span of 2 years), certain aspects began to unravel. Key among them is the Shoujo aspect of the series which I absolutely cannot STAND.

No vote on the humor, though it is sprinkled here and there. Overall this is a fairly serious series.

Soundtrack is very bright and apparent during the series. For the most part consists of background music in the classical/choral/liturgical genre (Carmina Burana-ish) though I do recall one "love" song that plays. The background music is a little reminiscent of the Record of Lodoss Wars soundtrack which I enjoy.

Overall still a good series if you're into the more serious drama-type anime.

Overall Rating: 10
Animation:9 Plot:8 Sound Track:9
Weight: 10
Date: 07/25/2002 06:22:47 pm PST

Replies: 0

Entry: Anime:Titles:Tale of Genji

This flick seems to be a bit underrated here. It's been a while since I've seen this movie adaptation, however, I have watched it 3-4 times and must recommend it to all "masterpiece theatre" anime fans.

Animation is good though not stunning in the traditional "WOW" sense. But it gets the job done and the scenes are well done.

Plot: Great story, but of course only if you're into character development, internal struggles, etc, etc. This is not an action movie.

Sound Track: pleasant, though I don't remember it too well.

Overall Rating: 9
Animation:8 Plot:10 Sound Track:8
Weight: 10
Date: 05/27/2002 10:42:35 pm PST

Replies: 0

Entry: Anime:Titles:Yamato: Space Battleship

This anime dates back to the late 70's/early 80's where it was popularly known in the US as "Starblazers". Starblazers was actually composed of two series: The Quest for Iscandar and The Comet Empire. Yamato: Space Battleship is a re-compilation of the former; the entire TV series was basically re-edited into 2 hours.

Animation. The overall animation is about par with the animation of the era, which is to say, it's not terribly great. It's similar to other anime of the period such as G-Force, Speed Racer, and Voltron.

Plot. Although I throrougly enjoyed the original Starblazers series, having watched both series multiple times, I couldn't get too into this one. I'm not sure why. Maybe because I've seen it before? I'm not sure, but I actually fell asleep watching it!

Soundtrack. Better than average. This is the original Japanese soundtrack (though the American one wasn't so bad...).

Overall Rating: 7
Animation:7 Plot:7 Sound Track:8
Weight: 10
Date: 03/08/2002 05:47:55 pm PST

Replies: 0

Entry: Anime:Titles:Macross Plus 1-4

In many ways, Macross Plus reflects the original Macross/Robotech TV series.

First, there are two plot lines which come together. The first one is more obvious and supplies the substance for most of the action/mecha: Two different fighter models are competing to be the new main fighter of the UN Spacy. The other deals with a pop star named Sharon Apple who has the uncanny ability to move people with her music. Sound familiar?

The animation is top-rate, however, I disliked the use of CG animation. Sure, when this OAV was produced, it was still a pretty new technology, but they should have simply left it out. The CG animation is blatantly obvious and looks terribly artificial next to the traditional animation.

The soundtrack follows in the tradition of Macross and is well done. It has everything from the melancholy theme song to the techno, ravish thumping beats of a fighter blasting through Earth's satellite defense network. Sharon Apple's own songs are actually a little odd and I can't say I like them too much. They're a little more sophisticated and less catchy than the 'ol Minmay songs. Still, they do have an alluring quality....

Overall, a great OAV. Just like the original Macross saga, there ARE slow spots which deal with character development. In the end, this flick is about interpersonal bonds and the struggle of man vs. technology.

Overall Rating: 10
Animation:9 Plot:9 Sound Track:10
Weight: 10
Date: 03/08/2002 12:27:43 am PST

Replies: 0

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