Locke The Superman

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Locke The Superman
Here's some old-school anime that's great for nostalgia or for newbies to get a sense of anime made before 1990 (or even Robotech if we really want to date ourselves ^_-). A stand-alone sci-fi piece about intergalactic war, an evil tolatarian regime of psychics ("espers") bent on rising from suppression to dominate the universe, and the one lone esper Locke who's asked to stop them. The story is not hard to grasp, you need no knowledge of the long history of Chojin Locke manga and adjacent movies, but is still very interesting and even gripping if you're willing to be open and can get past the look of the older animation. The dubbing is actually pretty good since the voice actors are rather well matched (I love how Locke's voice has an undercurrent of an unplaceable accent in it, just slightly clipped). There are two versions of this video, and it may help to see the unedited version but the editing was rather artfully done (mostly cutting around nudity since it was originally translated as a children's video), so even this is unnecessary. Overall, this is an wonderful feature worth giving a once over.

Overall Rating: 9
Weight: 1 (Unreliable Vote)
Link to this vote: http://www.excelsis.com/1.0/displayvote.php?voteid=19194

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