Reviews made by RanmasGirlKM:View User's Other VotesBack to User Info

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Entry: Audio/Video:Places To Buy Equipment:Car Toys

There prices are ok, but that isn't enough for when you go in and can't get anyone to help you AT ALL. When your are fed up and ready to leave then they'll come over and ask if they can up you. By that time your out the door and don't really care to be helped. We gone there 4 times to try and buy different things and found out that we wasted our time. We'll never go back there for help it's worthless.

Overall Rating: 0
Price:9 Service:0
Weight: 40
Date: 02/14/2003 11:25:38 pm PST

Replies: 0

Entry: Anime:Places To Buy:Hollywood video

When you go in there is always someone who can help you find even the oddest title. They have a great selection and there prices are commparable to others.

Overall Rating: 10
Price:10 Service:10
Weight: 40
Date: 02/14/2003 11:22:36 pm PST

Replies: 0

Entry: Anime:Titles:InuYasha

InuYasha is half dog demon and half human. He has irrisitable ears that everyone wants to feel. He's from the fruedal era and Kagome is from this era. Kagome falls into a well which transport her to that time frame, where she finds InuYasha pinned to a tree with arrows. That was done to him 50 years earlier when a very bad guy named Narako turned Inuyasha and the woman he loved against each other. The preistess Kikiyo was going to give him the jewel of four souls so he could be come whole human and live with her. Instead she ended up dead and angry but had the jewel burned with her body and then buried. It now resided inside Kagome who is her reborn. She and Inuyasha of course fall in love even though they don't admit it. She also goes back home when she can to find out her grandfather has been telling everyone she's sick with all these different things that older people get.
It's a great series and one that no one should miss.

Overall Rating: 10
Animation:10 Plot:10 Humor:10 Sound Track:10
Weight: 40
Date: 02/14/2003 11:18:28 pm PST

Replies: 0

Entry: Anime:Titles:Crying Freeman

What can I say, I enjoyed this sereis a lot, Freeman, a very skilled but reluctant asassin, is able to kill any one and never get caught until she comes a long and sees him maing a kill. She knows he'll come for her but wants to lose her virginity to him before he kills her. He instead falls in love with her and take her back to be his wife after a few tests and he has a totally cool dragon tattoo all over his body and she has a big tiger on her back and two little ones on her chest and stomach to repesent the children they'll never have. Women fall for him like crazy and he has sex with them all, after all it's his duty to take care of them after killing thier husband. It is very graphic with the violence and sex but as long as that doens't bother you you'll enjoy this series.

Overall Rating: 10
Animation:10 Plot:10 Humor:10 Sound Track:10
Weight: 40
Date: 02/13/2003 02:49:34 pm PST

Replies: 0

Entry: Audio/Video:Places To Buy Movies/

There prices are good and they do have a good selection, you want it they'll have it.

Overall Rating: 10
Price:10 Service:10
Weight: 40
Date: 02/13/2003 02:30:58 pm PST

Replies: 0

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