Binocular Reviews

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Brand and Model Legend Price Wt Avg SDev Last Vt Rate
Zeiss 10X40 B/GA T*P Dialyt$900410.00.011/10/2008Rate It!
Zeiss 10x561,60038.70.911/13/2001Rate It!
Zeiss 20x60S GA ISWp$4499.9588.42.808/31/2005Rate It!
Zeiss 7x42 B/GARf1,150119.90.306/10/2002Rate It!
Zeiss 8x30 B/GA1,00069.70.509/11/2001Rate It!
Zeiss B/GA T* ClassiC 8x30RfWp$697.0029.00.007/18/2005Rate It!
Zeiss Classic 8x56$1499.9929.50.510/29/2001Rate It!
Zeiss Diafun 8x30B MCRfFmcWp$294.9567.80.412/04/2007Rate It!
Zeiss Jena Jenoptem 7x50 WA$150.0059.00.009/09/2001Rate It!
Zeiss Jenautic 7x50Rf$230 (antique)39.00.010/01/2008Rate It!
Zeiss Jenoptem Jena 10x50 WA$200.0039.00.006/28/2005Rate It!
Zeiss Marine 7X50 B/GAWp$600 (used)58.80.404/17/2009Rate It!
Zeiss T* ClassiC 10x40 B/GA$1149.95610.00.006/01/2008Rate It!
Zeiss T* ClassiC 15x60 B/GABAK4$2295.00210.00.008/21/2007Rate It!
Zeiss Victory (Revised) 10x40 BTRfFmcWp1000--Rate It!
Zeiss Victory8 X 20 ASRfFmcWp$48019.00.004/28/2003Rate It!
Zen-Ray SUMMITRfFmcWp159.30.506/15/2008Rate It!
Zenit 16x40 IS$600 - $70029.50.503/11/2005Rate It!
ZenithC10--Rate It!
Zuiho 7x50BK7C19.00.008/07/2011Rate It!
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