Binocular Reviews

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Brand and Model Legend Price Wt Avg SDev Last Vt Rate
Oberwerk 11x70 FMCFmc$149.99319.50.609/29/2011Rate It!
Oberwerk 12x60 FMC$109.95228.00.211/20/2003Rate It!
Oberwerk 15x70BAK4Mc$149.95768.90.812/14/2002Rate It!
Oberwerk 2002 Deluxe 20x80Mc$289.00317.51.507/02/2008Rate It!
Oberwerk 22x100BAK4Fmc$395.00128.20.412/29/2004Rate It!
Oberwerk 40x100$1395.001010.00.010/06/2001Rate It!
Oberwerk Astronomy 25x100$1595.0057.00.004/26/2007Rate It!
Oberwerk BT-100Fmc$1695.00219.50.501/01/2005Rate It!
Oberwerk Mariner 10 X 60BAK4FmcWp159.95110.00.005/12/2005Rate It!
Olympus Magellan 7x50 WPRfWp$199.9539.00.810/15/2001Rate It!
Olympus Magellan 8x42 EXPWP$229.8815.00.012/16/2001Rate It!
Olympus Trooper 10x50 DPS$79.9926.51.508/02/2002Rate It!
Olympus Trooper 7x35 DPS RBK7C5017.00.007/29/2004Rate It!
Olympus Trooper DPS-R 10x50C$99.95--Rate It!
Opticron Countryman 8x42 MCBAK4Fmc$99.0018.00.004/08/2001Rate It!
Optolyth Royals 15x63$999.00110.00.001/19/2001Rate It!
Orion Gel-Xâ„¢ 10x25 Compact BinocularRf$26.95--Rate It!
Orion Giant 16x80RfFmc$399.00107.00.007/10/2002Rate It!
Orion Giant 20x80BAK4Fmc$399.0016.00.001/26/2003Rate It!
Orion Little Giant II 11x70RfMc$249.00128.11.712/04/2004Rate It!
Orion Little Giant II 15x70BAK4Mc$279.0018.00.010/30/2003Rate It!
Orion Little Giant II 20x70BAK4Mc$289.00--Rate It!
Orion MegaView 15x80BAK4Fmc$479.0069.00.007/26/2003Rate It!
Orion Megaview 20x80BAK4Fmc$489.0029.00.002/13/2003Rate It!
Orion Megaview 30x80BAK4Fmc$499.00110.00.001/10/2006Rate It!
Orion Mini Giant 12x63BAK4Fmc$199.00218.10.411/06/2007Rate It!
Orion Mini Giant 15x63BAK4Fmc$199.00219.50.504/01/2007Rate It!
Orion Mini Giant 8X56BAK4Fmc$159.0077.72.409/21/2002Rate It!
Orion Mini Giant 9x63BAK4Fmc$189.00269.11.111/24/2003Rate It!
Orion Outsider 10x50 WABAK4$59.9517.00.012/14/2002Rate It!
Orion Outsider 8x40 WABAK4$56.9517.00.007/17/2005Rate It!
Orion Savannah Porro 10x50RfFmcWp$229.000--03/21/2002Rate It!
Orion Savannah Porro 8x42RfFmcWp$219.0059.00.001/10/2004Rate It!
Orion Scenix 10X50BAK4Mc$79.00118.41.406/24/2003Rate It!
Orion Scenix 7X50BAK4Mc$79.00259.20.711/16/2003Rate It!
Orion Scenix 8x40BAK4Mc$69.9529.01.011/07/2001Rate It!
Orion UltraView 10x50BAK4Fmc$169.00669.00.809/22/2004Rate It!
Orion UltraView 7x50BAK4Fmc$169.00--Rate It!
Orion UltraView 8x42BAK4Fmc$149.0069.00.007/16/2004Rate It!
Orion Vista 10X50BAK4Fmc$199.00298.81.905/02/2004Rate It!
Orion Vista 7x50BAK4Fmc$199.0059.80.402/08/2004Rate It!
Orion Vista 8x42BAK4Mc$189.0069.20.710/24/2002Rate It!
Orion/Vixen BT-80$100038.00.809/03/2005Rate It!
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