Telescope Reviews

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Brand and Model Legend Price Wt Avg SDev Last Vt Rate
Celestron Celestar 8Scdiscontinued648.51.408/14/2021Rate It!
Astro-Physics StarFire 102Radiscontinued39.00.005/16/2012Rate It!
Dan Joyce 10" f/9N???110.00.010/01/2010Rate It!
Celestron C4.5Ndiscontinued228.71.703/06/2006Rate It!
Celestron C5+Scdiscontinued479.51.601/29/2004Rate It!
Celestron Fastar 8Scdiscontinued28.02.010/29/2002Rate It!
Televue Genesis (non-SDF)Ra99.20.611/01/2011Rate It!
Brandon 80mm f/6 ApoRadiscontinued99.40.810/23/2004Rate It!
Celestron SPC 102Rcdiscontinued249.80.511/04/2013Rate It!
Meade ETX-125 PEMc36.32.508/04/2009Rate It!
Celestron C8 SPScdisocntinued58.61.010/30/2012Rate It!
Intes Micro MK-63Mc--Rate It!
Celestron C6 SPNdiscontinued138.61.808/25/2012Rate It!
Cave Astrola 8"Ndiscontinued148.91.409/25/2018Rate It!
Celestron Comet CatcherSndiscontinued89.60.502/10/2020Rate It!
Criterion RV-6 DynascopeNno longer availa329.50.703/13/2009Rate It!
Bausch & Lomb 4000Scdiscontinued396.82.003/12/2014Rate It!
Celestron Star Hopper 11N39.30.501/08/2000Rate It!
Orion R200SSRp--Rate It!
Meade LX3 10"Scdiscontinued187.21.608/31/2007Rate It!
Optical Craftsman 8" DiscovererNNo longer manufa29.01.002/08/2000Rate It!
Celestron Ultima 8Scn/a59.20.703/26/2006Rate It!
Vixen 63mm f/15RcNo longer made--Rate It!
Celestron CompustarSc24.51.512/22/2008Rate It!
Pentax 75 EDHFRano longer availa208.50.510/15/2003Rate It!
Bausch & Lomb 8001 ProScdiscontinued88.41.012/03/2015Rate It!
Meade 2080 8" SCTScdiscontinued137.51.004/26/2002Rate It!
Zeiss Jena Telementor C63/840Rc199.60.609/10/2014Rate It!
Bresser PulsarRcdiscontinued157.81.012/28/2003Rate It!
Skywatcher 120Rp277.61.905/16/2012Rate It!
Quantum 4McNo longer availa49.00.710/21/2008Rate It!
CAVE Astrola 10"Ndiscontinued110.00.011/06/2011Rate It!
Astro-Physics StarFire 12EDRadiscontinued39.70.502/18/2003Rate It!
Vixen VC200L128.30.712/15/2004Rate It!
Meade DS-10N47.50.510/22/2007Rate It!
Schwarr 10" DobN19.00.007/20/2000Rate It!
Celestron #21066 60mmRcdiscontinued128.12.801/22/2008Rate It!
Edmund 6" F/8Nno longer made278.02.301/11/2004Rate It!
TMB 100Ra99.60.707/07/2013Rate It!
Galileo 900Rp25.02.009/17/2001Rate It!
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