Telescope Reviews

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Brand and Model Legend Price Wt Avg SDev Last Vt Rate
Questar 3.5Mc$4050.00889.41.406/02/2024Rate It!
Intes MN-61Mn1249189.20.803/19/2024Rate It!
TEC 140Ra45004510.00.009/04/2022Rate It!
Takahashi FC-100NRa$4,000 ota only149.90.312/29/2021Rate It!
Celestron Celestar 8Scdiscontinued648.51.408/14/2021Rate It!
Takahashi FC-100Ra+/- $2000 (no lo810.00.008/07/2021Rate It!
Meade 395Rc$399128.11.205/15/2021Rate It!
Meade Starfinder 8" EQN59968.71.204/28/2021Rate It!
Celestron 70mm Fluorite ApoRadiscontinued610.00.002/26/2021Rate It!
Celestron/Vixen 90FluoriteRa200059.40.802/26/2021Rate It!
Meade LXD75 8" SNSn100028.50.509/30/2020Rate It!
Meade DS-127-ECN49975.32.208/12/2020Rate It!
Celestron Comet CatcherSndiscontinued89.60.502/10/2020Rate It!
Discovery Truss 17.5"N$3399.001658.80.605/07/2019Rate It!
Cave Astrola 8"Ndiscontinued148.91.409/25/2018Rate It!
Explore Scientific 127Ra190019.00.009/25/2018Rate It!
Stellarvue SV4Ra2695610.00.005/10/2018Rate It!
Vixen E.D 102/660Ra1200169.80.705/07/2018Rate It!
Takahashi FS-128Ra8000239.80.405/07/2018Rate It!
Astro-Physics StarFire 152Radiscontinued79.60.703/03/2018Rate It!
Celestron NexStar 8 GPSSc$2999.00219.60.612/27/2017Rate It!
Takahashi FS-152Ra10000179.40.610/25/2017Rate It!
Celestron/Vixen C80FRaNo longer availa139.20.410/08/2017Rate It!
Lomo Astele 102Mn$579.95178.60.807/12/2017Rate It!
Borg 101EDRa172068.80.407/11/2017Rate It!
Edmund Scientific 60mm f8Rc$40039.00.804/16/2017Rate It!
Astro-Physics Starfire 178 f/9Ra4495110.00.004/03/2017Rate It!
TeleVue 101Ra$2760289.61.511/14/2016Rate It!
Celestron NexStar 9¼ GPSSc$2699.0057.23.709/26/2016Rate It!
Meade Lightbridge 12"N1000194.23.409/16/2016Rate It!
Hama 114/900 (62567)N22028.50.504/30/2016Rate It!
Celestron C102-HDRc$449.00808.70.802/26/2016Rate It!
Orion AstroView 120ST EQRc$499.00678.91.202/17/2016Rate It!
Bausch & Lomb 8001 ProScdiscontinued88.41.012/03/2015Rate It!
Takahashi FS-102Ra$2775.001629.61.211/20/2015Rate It!
Intes Micro Alter a-809Mc376938.00.011/20/2015Rate It!
Stellarvue 80mm F6Rc$279.00219.31.909/17/2015Rate It!
Mag One Portaball 10"Napprox. $2100410.00.008/22/2015Rate It!
Novosibirsk TAL 200K Klevtzov Cassegrain$830 !!128.80.705/18/2015Rate It!
Intes Micro M10F10 DeluxeMc8,00029.50.503/20/2015Rate It!
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