Telescope Reviews

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Brand and Model Legend Price Wt Avg SDev Last Vt Rate
Willam Yang 80mm Semi APO MegrezRa529.00418.90.701/11/2004Rate It!
William Optics Megrez 80 mm II ED TripletRa$799599.11.107/12/2009Rate It!
William Optics Megrez familyRa0--06/09/2006Rate It!
William Optics ZenithStarRc$399.0099.00.501/01/2006Rate It!
William Optics ZenithStar 6639939.30.504/12/2007Rate It!
William Yang Optics Megrez 102Rc995.00168.60.609/07/2002Rate It!
Williams Optical 105/650Ra310029.00.011/27/2002Rate It!
Williams Optics FLT110 APORa300069.01.006/15/2012Rate It!
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