Telescope Reviews

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Brand and Model Legend Price Wt Avg SDev Last Vt Rate
Antares 127mm F6.5 AchromatRc$439 (OTA)18.00.012/05/2007Rate It!
Antares 520 GPN$739.0066.82.004/10/2008Rate It!
Antares 812TRc$600.00109.01.003/13/2003Rate It!
APM 150/900 Triplet FluoriteRa$2795.00210.00.007/10/2002Rate It!
APM Triplet AchromatRc$295.0019.00.008/02/2003Rate It!
Apogee 127/1140Rc$279.0039.01.404/05/2004Rate It!
Apogee 4" WidestarRc$895.0059.00.610/06/2003Rate It!
Apogee 80mm ED RefractorRc$499.0066.51.601/23/2004Rate It!
Apogee AP-8000N$599.0038.31.209/26/2000Rate It!
Apogee Widestar 127Rc$524.9519.00.003/04/2005Rate It!
Astro-Physics 10" f/14.6 High-Resolution Maksutov-CassegrainMc$9800.00710.00.001/25/2011Rate It!
Astro-Physics 155mm EDTRa$800018.00.005/24/2005Rate It!
Astro-Physics 6" F/12 SuperplanetaryRaNLA39.70.502/22/2013Rate It!
Astro-Physics 92mm f/7 StowawayRa$2880.00239.60.506/08/2004Rate It!
Astro-Physics StarFire 102Radiscontinued39.00.005/16/2012Rate It!
Astro-Physics StarFire 12EDRadiscontinued39.70.502/18/2003Rate It!
Astro-Physics StarFire 130 f/6 EDTRa$4795.00238.81.204/17/2005Rate It!
Astro-Physics StarFire 130 f/8 EDTRa$4795.00179.80.711/06/2000Rate It!
Astro-Physics StarFire 152Radiscontinued79.60.703/03/2018Rate It!
Astro-Physics StarFire 155 EDFSRa$6480.00159.90.205/08/2004Rate It!
Astro-Physics Starfire 178 f/9Ra4495110.00.004/03/2017Rate It!
Astro-Physics Traveler 105 EDFSRa$3480.00228.71.711/06/2005Rate It!
Astro-Rubinar 100Mc$349.00117.91.512/12/2007Rate It!
Astronomix 80mm Fluorite TripletRa$1200.0067.01.205/28/2013Rate It!
Astrosystems Telekit 16"$1400.001210.00.006/29/2004Rate It!
AstroVisioneer 80mmRc$125.0099.60.709/26/2003Rate It!
Astrovisioneer 90mmMc$150.0027.52.507/12/2002Rate It!
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