Antares Erfle 32mm

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Antares Erfle 32mm
Lightweight and small. Very sharp field stop, full 70* fov. I like the rubber ep guard, makes it easy to use. Excellent ep for public star parties. The main reason for the rating is the coma, comet tails on the outer 1/3. Only the center 2/3 is usable. Mine had sealant oozed out around the top lenses. The usable portion is crisp and bright, good contrast in my 10" f10 sct. IMHO Sky Instruments discontinued the Omcon 35mm w/62* fov and replaced it with the Antares 32mm w/70* fov to compete in the flight for more fov and messed up a good thing. I may hang onto this ep only to use at public star parties. I was hoping for more, but okay for $99.

Overall Rating: 6
Weight: 2 (Unreliable Vote)
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Antares Erfle 32mm
Well, have had some more experience with it. It has provided me with fine views of the Veil
(filtered of course), but it remains unhappy in a Newtonian f/5 cone. The problem isn't the
primary's coma (as I initially thought and as the previous reviewer wrote) at all, the problem
is the Erfle design's inherent eyepiece astigmatism. In an f/5.75 cone behind a Paracorr, it shows
up even more (and field curvatures of scope and e/p are then severely mismatched, making it
impossible to focus both center and edge of field). Also, the blackout effects are a
nuisance - you have to hold your head and eye very still to maintain a full field.

The small size, low weight (268g) and low cost are still points in favor, but this e/p
is perhaps best put into a 3" or 4" f/8 refractor, where it should provide sharper and
very bright views.

Overall Rating: 6
Weight: 4 (Unreliable Vote)
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Antares Erfle 32mm
Very good value in a 32mm 2" eyepiece. Solid construction, rather leightweight and compact.
Some edge distortion on my F5 Newton, but overall pretty sharp and bright image.

Overall Rating: 8
Weight: 1 (Unreliable Vote)
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Antares Erfle 32mm
I bought this ep at last years TSP and for $100 bucks I believe it is a good deal. Its $265 cheaper than a 35 Pan and is lighter. While it does exhibit considerable mirror coma, it responds favorably to a ParaCorr, but still has some slight traces. Heck, the ParaCorr was brought out for the Nags and Pans so I suppose a $100 ep can have a little more. The images in the center 2/3 I believe are very crisp and nice pinpoint stars. If you focus to the outer 1/3, then the inner 2/3 of the field gets a little out of focus. Most folks at star parties are either very polite or they don't notice the lack of edge sharpness. Deep sky views to me, are really nice. The Double/Double fits in the field of my 16" f/4.5 Dob as does M31 and 33. You can also get the bulk of 42 as well and the trapezium is clearly defined. As others have noted, it is a great star party ep. It is also a nice finder ep. If one is looking for a decent 70 deg ep that is very reasonable in price and offers pretty nice views then you should consider this glass.

Overall Rating: 8
Optics:7 Value:9
Weight: 8 (Veritable Vote)
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Antares Erfle 32mm
This is a nice ep in my 12" sct at f10/f6.3.For my money it gives WIDE views for few dollars.When I show guests they are amazed at the bright crisp stars,it's fun to watch them turning their heads to take it all in,I do it too.I can just look at any star field and let myself feel as if I'm out there too.This will give you an inexpensive spaceship window.

Overall Rating: 8
Optics:8 Value:10
Weight: 10 (Trustworthy Vote)
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Antares Erfle 32mm
Hallo all together,

this 2" 70° biest, is in terms of optics, very sharp and crisp in the inner portion (up 3/4 of the area) of viewing field. I'am using it on a 14" f1:6 dobsonian telescope. Very goog is the small weight, which makes it easy to use it in mixure with 1,25" eye pieces at the dobson without adjusting the counter eight every now and then.
I paid about 90€ from second hand.
So in my 14" I use it mainly as a finder eye piece, and it gives a decent 1° field of view, so the leo-triplet M65/66 NGC 3077 fits into it (not realy, but it looks like ;-) (galxies are quite big))

Clear Skies
Winfried Melder

Overall Rating: 8
Optics:7 Value:10
Weight: 3 (Unreliable Vote)
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