Stellarvue SVA145

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Stellarvue SVA145
Since there's only one, I guess I'll vote for it myself; after a year of use, I give it a "10" for all items except ease of use, and that's only because the scope is heavy for a 145mm (30lbs) and consequently a bit of a chore to tote around. It really deserves an observatory, but my location isn't suited for that purpose, so portable it will remain -- All the comments from the primary description apply.

Will I keep it forever...probably not; not due to any shortcomings of the scope itself, but because I'd like to work with different types of scopes and not be locked-in to one specific one. Afterall, in the end we're all only stewards of these fine instruments.

Would I buy it again, no question, Yes!

Overall Rating: 10
Optics:10 Ease of Use:9 Value:10
Weight: 1 (Unreliable Vote)
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