Gall Force: Earth Chapter

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Gall Force: Earth Chapter

Well, maybe it's because I haven't had any prior experience with the Gall Force series, but as it is this thing couldn't even keep me awake, let alone halfway interested in anything going on.

But maybe I should toss it back in the VCR and give it a second shot...I was pretty tired at the time, probably.

Overall Rating: 1
Weight: 1 (Unreliable Vote)
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Gall Force: Earth Chapter
This is nowhere near as good as the 4 preceding Gall Force movies. Actually, part one of this series is terribly bad and should definitely be avoided. Parts 2 and 3 have their moments of special Gall Force magic, wich should keep fans happy. Those new to GF should start out with the 4 movies, and if you like those take a look at parts 2 and 3 of the Earth Chapter series (not part 1 though, it's evil, and if you ever come accross the English dubbed version, run for your life. It's that bad)

Overall Rating: 7
Weight: 1 (Unreliable Vote)
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