Vixen Lanthanum Superwide 17mm

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Brand and Model:Vixen Lanthanum Superwide 17mm
Price ($USD):$235.00
Type:Misc Wide Angle
Focal Length:17 mm
Barrel Size:Dual
Apparent FOV:65.0 degrees
Field Stop Dia.:0.0 mm
Eye Relief:20 mm
Weight (lbs):

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Vixen Lanthanum Superwide 17mm
This eyepiece has worked in every scope I've owned, from
10" SCT to a short tube achro refractor. It is always sharp
to the edge and gives excellent views. If there is a negative,
it's the fact that it is somewhat bulky, although no more so
than other wide field eyepieces of this quality.

Overall Rating: 10
Optics:10 Value:10
Weight: 1 (Unreliable Vote)
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