Silent Service

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Name:Silent Service
un-checked Comedyun-checked Mechsun-checked Drama
un-checked Violenceun-checked Shoujo 
un-checked Hentaiun-checked Explicit Sexun-checked Brief Nudity
Running Length:100 mins.

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Silent Service
Intriguing video. Kaieda singlehandedly made the whole US fleet into one big joke. But, considering how Clinton turned the military into one big joke (see Bosnia), anythings possible. I would not mind if it were pretend countries instaed of real countries. This movie is really playing with fire in terms of protraying a superpower as a bunch of military bullies, even though I'm asian-american. This shows you that nothing can be taken for granted. Even if you have more powerful weapons, it's how you utilize it that what relly counts. Kaieda is one crafty captain.

Other than the political nature of this movie, this is really intriguing.

Overall Rating: 8
Weight: 1 (Unreliable Vote)
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Silent Service
crappy crap crap

Overall Rating: No Vote
Weight: <none>
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