Shin Shirayuki Hime Densetsu Pretear

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Name:Shin Shirayuki Hime Densetsu Pretear
checked Comedyun-checked Mechschecked Drama
un-checked Violencechecked Shoujo 
un-checked Hentaiun-checked Explicit Sexun-checked Brief Nudity
Running Length:Approximately 30
Description:Himeno Awayuki finds out that she's Pretear when she meets the seven Leafe Knights. She has to fight the Mayouchuu, which steal the Leafe out of everything, by holding and Leafe Knight's hand and he goes inside of her and she can use his powers. Through all this, she she has to deal with her family and social problems...

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Shin Shirayuki Hime Densetsu Pretear
Shin Shirayuki Hime Densetsu Pretear is a great anime series! ^^ It's like a normal 24 episode series jammed in to 13 episodes. Although it's short, it's still great! The opening song "White Destiny" is also very easy to get obsessed with. Although the ending song doesn't have quite the same glammor, it's still a great song to sing along with. ^^

I highly recommend this series to all anime fans. ^^ It's a great series, everyone should at least give it a try! ^^

Overall Rating: 10
Animation:9 Plot:10 Humor:10 Sound Track:10
Weight: 1 (Unreliable Vote)
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