Sailor Moon Super S

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Name:Sailor Moon Super S
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Running Length:TV series mins.

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Sailor Moon Super S
Sailor Moon SuperS review

(Remember, if this review is helpful or well-written, please give me a good rating (down below)! Thanks for your support! *^__^)

Leaps and bounds above the previous seasons, and I thought Sailor Moon S, at least, had really great animation. Nope... SuperS blows SM, SM R, and SM S out of the water as far as animation goes, and not only does that include the 18 or so "mostly normal life" minutes of every episode, but also transformations that were pretty hard to improve on.

A hard one to grade compared to Sailor Moon S. While Sailor Moon S was pretty shallow on the "big picture" and yet had really interesting situations going on with the Outer Senshi, Sailor Moon SuperS has a more interesting big picture that actually has a history behind it... But no more Outer Senshi just gets us back to the core group and Chibi-Usa (who's become the focus of the show, by the way, so if you don't like her, stay away).
That provides for less interesting situations in general, even if the bigger storyline itself is a little deeper.
That and it's just painful to watch Chibi-Usa being the focus AFTER Hotaru's gone back to being a baby. If she had been the focus with Hotaru, it would be a lot more interesting.

What's there is good, but there weren't as many standout moments as Sailor Moon S. Again, I can probably attribute that to the absence of Haruka and Michiru. Particularly Haruka, who provided material for all the funny lesbian implication lines.
Still, I had to laugh at the episode where the girls were all trying to figure out who Chibi-Usa's crush was and ended up thinking it was the ugly-looking, long-faced guy by the pond.

Better than Sailor Moon S. Although I probably prefer S's ending song, SuperS has better background music in general. Whereas the Witches 5 theme in S could be called somewhat corny, you can't say that about any of the SuperS music except for possibly the classic Sailor Moon "speech mode" music. Good stuff here.

It's no Sailor Moon S, and when I first saw it, I was trying to figure out whether it leaned more toward a good or bad show.
And then I watched other anime and it hit me that the only thing wrong with SuperS was that I was comparing it to S. I still have somewhat of a habit of doing that, but the point is that if Sailor Moon S hadn't come first, SuperS is a great season.
Still highly recommended, more so if you have not seen S beforehand.

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All of the series I've reviewed are listed at the bottom of the Saint Tail review.

Overall Rating: 9
Animation:10 Plot:8 Humor:8 Sound Track:9
Weight: 40 (Reputable Vote)
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Sailor Moon Super S
All right, so first off, let me say, I admit, though the anime of Sailor Moon as a whole can be very chessy, I like it anyway.
Super S was one of the saddest dissapointments I've ever seen.
In part, it's not the anime's fault. Naoko DID switch the focus a bit more...but not to the extent that the anime did.
I'm sorry, but I really don't care about Chibi Usa. I think it's stupid to compare the maturity and power level of a nine HUNDRED year old kid to her mother in the past, who, by the way, prove herself over that multiple times.
I think it's also slightly creepy that Chibi Usa falls in love with Helios before she knows he's human.
The animation, I'll admit, was beautiful. Of all the series, I think Super S did the best. But the plot was ridiculous-oh, great, another transvestite/whatever you want to call it general, thanks a lot, dub.
I also didn't like it because it really did switch a LOT from the manga version...everything did, really. Chibi Usa is a scout in training-not the hero. I think it's ridiculous to forget that.
Usagi is the Maiden, and they even said this in the manga. I like Sailor Moon a lot, but Super S was a sad dissapointment.

Overall Rating: 1
Animation:10 Plot:2 Humor:1 Sound Track:3
Weight: 10 (Trustworthy Vote)
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Sailor Moon Super S
In Short if you like Rini a lot then there is good chance that you will like alot Sailor Moon Super S. Becaue this season about Rini. I like it because I like Rini.

Overall Rating: No Vote
Weight: 5 (Veritable Vote)
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Sailor Moon Super S
Well, it wasn't as Good as SM or SMR, but at least it was better than SMS. I mean it had some good villains, like Para-Para, and I thought the Amazon Trio was neat, admittedly thses guys weren't too serious, but at least the main villains Ziconia and Nehelenia were serious. And at least the ending was better than S, I loved the falling scene. Though it still needed more songs!!! What really brings the series down is it's crappy transformation music, ugh, at least it's not as bad as the DiC transformation music. By the way, why did Momo dye her hair purple? Oh yeah, I think they've had Moonlight Densetsu as the opening for a little bit too long.

Overall Rating: 7
Weight: 3 (Unreliable Vote)
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Sailor Moon Super S
Don't get me wrong...I'm a very big fan of Sailor Moon, but I was very dissapointed by this. Wich is a shame, since the season did have some promise, but then shot itself in the foot by not including the Outer Senshi (who do appear in the SuperS manga). This is also very heavy on filler eps, wich can get pretty dull. Still, it has it's moments, and that special Sailor Moon magic is there...but it could've been so much better.

Overall Rating: 7
Weight: 3 (Unreliable Vote)
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Sailor Moon Super S
Chibi-Usa and Elios are very cute together!!!
~~Seiya Addict

Overall Rating: 10
Weight: 1 (Unreliable Vote)
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Sailor Moon Super S
It was okay. Imean, c'mon, what am I gonna say? I'm a guy with a bitch girl- friend. My sister makes me watch it. I guess it's good.

Overall Rating: 4
Weight: 1 (Unreliable Vote)
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Sailor Moon Super S
Great Sailor Moon websites!!

Overall Rating: 10
Weight: 1 (Unreliable Vote)
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Sailor Moon Super S
I haven't seen Sailor Moon SuperS on TV but I have read the manga and it rocks! My fav is the third one. It's ssssoooooo awsome! anyone who hates it can die for all i care!

Overall Rating: 10
Weight: 1 (Unreliable Vote)
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Sailor Moon Super S
this must be the down side of the series. the story tends to get repetitive (especially because of Chibi Usa). also the "outer senshis" does not make an
appearance here, so there was less action. but it does have one of my favourite moves,"Moon Gorgeous Meditation"

Overall Rating: 7
Weight: 1 (Unreliable Vote)
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