Orion Epic ED-2 18mm

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Brand and Model:Orion Epic ED-2 18mm
Price ($USD):$69.00
Focal Length:18 mm
Barrel Size:1.25
Apparent FOV:55.0 degrees
Field Stop Dia.:0.0 mm
Eye Relief:20 mm
Weight (lbs):

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Orion Epic ED-2 18mm
I used this on a 90mm MAC with long focal length, please keep in mind that what works in a long focal length scope may not work as well in a fast scope [such as an f/5 Dob].

View was very clear and crisp, right to the edge. Using a variable power barlow, planetary detail began to drop off due to limitations of the scope, not the eyepiece.

This is a very good eyepiece in long focal length scopes, especially for the low cost.

Overall Rating: 9
Optics:9 Value:9
Weight: 1 (Unreliable Vote)
Link to this vote: http://www.excelsis.com/1.0/displayvote.php?voteid=394564

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