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Plain and simple, Naruto just rocks.

Overall Rating: 10
Animation:8 Plot:8 Humor:9 Sound Track:10
Weight: 10 (Trustworthy Vote)
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Naruto is the BEST!!

Overall Rating: 10
Animation:10 Plot:10 Humor:10 Sound Track:10
Weight: 10 (Trustworthy Vote)
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This series is awesome.

Nothing stands out with the animation as it is on par with other anime however it is remarkable how many character designs Masashi Kishimoto was able to come up with. There are just so many especially noted in the classroom of the first round of the mid-ninja test. Half of the characters in the clsassroom were totally insignificant to the story but they looked cool and made you think okay...which one of these guys is the bad guy.

The plot is VERY fun and it keeps you wanting more. Their are three main characters. Naruto is basically a half wit ninja who skates by ninja school. Sasuke is everyone's favorite character and everyone's favorite ninja which makes Naruto very jealous. Naruto is in love with Sakura but Sakura is in love with Sasuke, which "go figure" makes Naruto even more jealous. This seems simple enough but in reality each character has depth to them that makes you fall in love with them at some point in the story. You almost can't help it, no matter how much you hate any particular character. When you add in their Sensei Kakashi, you not only get to enjoy their intense and complex training but you get to enjoy some good comedy too.

If you are looking for action this series is superb in giving it to you and it isn't just brash, it is smart and at all times cleverly done. Get the import and enjoy.

Overall Rating: 10
Animation:9 Plot:10 Humor:9 Sound Track:9
Weight: 3 (Unreliable Vote)
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