Meade Super Plossl 40mm

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Brand and Model:Meade Super Plossl 40mm
Price ($USD):$99.95
Focal Length:40 mm
Barrel Size:1.25 in
Apparent FOV:43.0 degrees
Field Stop Dia.:0.0 mm
Eye Relief:17 mm
Weight (lbs):0.5

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Meade Super Plossl 40mm
The Brainless comments abound! Unlike those above, I take the time to make constructive comments.
I have compared this 40 to others like the Ultima 42 and the TV 40. All have excellent sharp contrasty images to the field stop. The TV and Ultima are a tad sharper, but you wouldn't notice it unless comparing them side by side, and only under the best of conditions. The field of view was the least in the Ultima and about tie in the TV and the Meade. All 3 have comparatively narrow with the fields of view, because, for those who actually care to know, they are 1 1/4" oculars. They have longer eye relief and can kidney bean some because of this. They are still all excellent eyepieces.

Overall Rating: 9
Weight: 3 (Unreliable Vote)
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Meade Super Plossl 40mm
Field of view, when held against the eye and compared to another eyepiece of known field, is indeed the advertised 44 degrees. But its field appears to be only 37 degrees when I actually measure the distance between stars plotted on an atlas. I can't figure this out. It's quality is excellent. I suggest only buying this eyepiece if you have a particular application in mind, where the bigger exit pupil is required. For example, the only way I could see the horsehead nebula with a H-Beta filter in my C8, was by using this eyepiece and an f6.3 reducer/corrector.

Overall Rating: 7
Weight: 3 (Unreliable Vote)
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Meade Super Plossl 40mm
I hate it.

Not bad optically, but I can´t stand its narrow field of view. It´s like having an ortho, but without its image sharpness and brightness.

If you need a 40 mm eyepiece, look for a 2" one.

Overall Rating: 6
Optics:8 Value:6
Weight: 1 (Unreliable Vote)
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Meade Super Plossl 40mm
Excellent eyepiece for the money. One of my favorits

Overall Rating: 10
Weight: 1 (Unreliable Vote)
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Meade Super Plossl 40mm
I never use it

Overall Rating: 1
Weight: 1 (Unreliable Vote)
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Meade Super Plossl 40mm
I find the Meade Celestron camps interesting. The Meade is a good eyepiece but I find the Celestron more pleasant to use. Both have the problems associated with 40 mm class eyepieces but I find the Celestron easier to use and keep the image in your view. Subjective but I prefer the Celestron slightly fov isn't everything and Meade may be trying to get a bit too great a fov out of this eyepiece. I feel comfortable recommending either eyepiece, though I prefer the Orion Sirius myself.

Overall Rating: 7
Weight: 1 (Unreliable Vote)
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Meade Super Plossl 40mm
like looking through a straw, choose another 40mm

Overall Rating: 4
Weight: 1 (Unreliable Vote)
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Meade Super Plossl 40mm
A eyepiece which have a very narrow field of view(<45deg)!

Overall Rating: 1
Weight: 1 (Unreliable Vote)
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Meade Super Plossl 40mm
I find it strange that the Celestron 42 with a listed FOV of 36 gets raves for it, and the meade with a listed FOV of about 44 is slammed. Did I miss something?

Overall Rating: No Vote
Weight: <none>
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