Meade Series 4000 Broadband

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Brand and Model:Meade Series 4000 Broadband
Price ($USD):
Filter Position:
un-checked .96" checked 1.25" checked 2"
checked Visual Back un-checked Full Aperture
Description:#908B: 1.25"
#910B: 2"
#911B: Visual Back

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Meade Series 4000 Broadband
Optics: I have tried to use this filter 15-20 times, but it just doesn't seem to do anything positive for the image. In particular, on almost every target, it seems to equally eliminate both background light and image. The ONLY object that seemed to benefit from it was the Orion nebula, where you could see very slightly extended nebulosity and very slightly more detail. The effect was sufficiently subtle that it might have been my brain trying to rationalize me wasting 130 bucks on this thing. For this latter one-time possible benefit, I give it a 1 for optical quality rather than a zero.

Value: None.

Overall Rating: 1
Optics:1 Value:0
Weight: 1 (Unreliable Vote)
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Meade Series 4000 Broadband
bought it when I first started observing and found that it isn't much help visually

Overall Rating: 3
Optics:8 Value:4
Weight: 1 (Unreliable Vote)
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