Lumicon DeepySky

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Brand and Model:Lumicon DeepySky
Price ($USD):$99.95
Filter Position:
checked .96" checked 1.25" checked 2"
checked Visual Back un-checked Full Aperture
Description:The Lumicon Deep-Sky Filter is THE foremost broadband filter efficiently blocking ALL mercury-vapor and high & low pressure sodium-vapor lamp light, neon lights and airglow, while allowing the rest of the visible spectrum through. The superior contrast gain between the black background and the object you're viewing allows you to view galaxies, nebula, star clusters, dusty comets, etc. wonderfully -- when observing from light-polluted urban skies -- making it the best all-around visual light pollution filter.

The Lumicon Deep-Sky Filter's high transmission in the H-alpha end of the spectrum makes it THE ONLY premium astrophotographic filter on the market for not only color photographs, but also for black & white photos and CCD work. Lumicon tests every filter individually on a Perkin-Elmer Double-Beam spectrophotometer, inscribing on the filter its % transmission for each of the primary spectral lines.

Do not settle for cheap, foreign-made, low-transmission broadband filters.

2"- $199.95

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Lumicon DeepySky
Not the most useful filter. I traded this one in for an O-III and an Ultrablock. The deepsky didn't do much for light pollution in either of my scopes. The ultrablock is much better for fighting light pollution, and the O-III is excellent for seeing fine detail in planetary and emmission nebula - especially the Veil nebula.

Overall Rating: 4
Optics:10 Value:4
Weight: 8 (Veritable Vote)
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Lumicon DeepySky
this one is always on my eyepiece
works well against light pollution
works well to increase and even unveil details and objects

Overall Rating: 10
Optics:10 Value:10
Weight: 1 (Unreliable Vote)
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Lumicon DeepySky
Visual back unit is well made. Excellent transmission. If cost is no object, buy this thing.

Overall Rating: 8
Optics:10 Value:6
Weight: 1 (Unreliable Vote)
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