Cool Devices

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Name:Cool Devices
un-checked Comedyun-checked Mechsun-checked Drama
un-checked Violenceun-checked Shoujo 
checked Hentaichecked Explicit Sexchecked Brief Nudity
Running Length:60 mins.

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Cool Devices
Good stuff !!!

Overall Rating: 10
Weight: 1 (Unreliable Vote)
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Cool Devices
I'm really not sure about the history of this production. Was it a series or is it just a compilation of independent shorts? Anyway, I can fairly characterize this series as "situational, sado-masochistic fantasies that target males". I've seen alot of Hentai but this series is the filthiest of the filth and ten times more irresponsible than Overfiend. The series seems to be done by an underground studio which would explain the terrible animation, terrible artwork, and interestingly enough full detail on genitalia, pubic hair and all. More air time seems to be dedicated to montage than to sex action during the sex scenes. Is this supposed to be an art film or a porno? Make up your mind! The only reason for the high score is the boldness of the material

Overall Rating: 5
Weight: 1 (Unreliable Vote)
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Cool Devices
funny i havent managed to see it at all,
as the rental store I rent at can't seem to get their hands on it
cause it alway out of stock....
strange huh. so I dont know if it good or not...

Overall Rating: No Vote
Weight: <none>
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