Buttobi CPU

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Name:Buttobi CPU
checked Comedyun-checked Mechsun-checked Drama
checked Violenceun-checked Shoujo 
un-checked Hentaichecked Explicit Sexun-checked Brief Nudity
Running Length:90
Description:Akira is a total nerd. When he hears that the latest computer is out on sale, he rushes to buy it, only to find out when he gets there it is all sold out. On the way home, he meets a shady guy with the same new computer for sale. Akira agrees to buy it and take it home, only to find out it is a naked girl in the box. After crying in despair of getting ripped of, the computer turns itself on and asks itself to be registered... what will Akira do now?

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Buttobi CPU
e' perfetto

Overall Rating: 10
Animation:10 Plot:9 Humor:10 Sound Track:10
Weight: 1 (Unreliable Vote)
Link to this vote: http://www.excelsis.com/1.0/displayvote.php?voteid=366108

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