Burgess/TMB 9mm Planetary

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Brand and Model:Burgess/TMB 9mm Planetary
Price ($USD):$99
Focal Length:9 mm
Barrel Size:1.25
Apparent FOV:60.0 degrees
Field Stop Dia.:0.0 mm
Eye Relief:16 mm
Weight (lbs):5.8 oz
Description:Wide angle, long eyerelief planetary

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Burgess/TMB 9mm Planetary
A nice inexpensive eyepiece. This series is very comfortable to use, and they're incredible for public outreach because beginners don't have to do much hunting to find the image.

A little more light scatter than the supermonocentrics, but good for "everyday" use. I like them for smaller DSO.

Overall Rating: 9
Optics:8 Value:10
Weight: 5 (Veritable Vote)
Link to this vote: http://www.excelsis.com/1.0/displayvote.php?voteid=558648

Burgess/TMB 9mm Planetary
I have 8.9mm Siebert Star Splitters that I like better in binoviewers. The Star Splitters are much lighter, have better contrast and do not have the kidney beaning problems that EP's with telenegative front elemets are plagued with. The TMB 9mm is good in fast scopes if you don't mind the slight chromatic aberration at the edges. In my Mak-Cass, the Star Splitter is the clear winner. The 8.9mm Star Splitter is a triplet, unlike the shorter FL Star Splitters. Still, the Shorter FL Star Splitters work as well as the TMB 9mm in fast scopes and do not have the false color at the edges. The Star Splitters are more free from light scatter as well. The TMB has more eye relief and thus needs the screw up eyecup. The TMB was built to look like a Radian, while the Star Splitter is more unique in design. I own 3 bino pairs of Star Splitters and intend on never buying any more TMB's. The TMB conducts heat from the eyecup barrel very poorly, thus not too good with a heater strap. Star Splitters heat up much faster due to excellent heat conduction in the straight aluminum barrels. Get a Star Splitter if in a humid climate.

Overall Rating: 8
Optics:8 Value:8
Weight: 1 (Unreliable Vote)
Link to this vote: http://www.excelsis.com/1.0/displayvote.php?voteid=560161

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