Baader Mark V

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Brand and Model:Baader Mark V
Price ($USD):$1788.00
Description:The Mark V Binocular Viewer is the culmination of years of research and development, originally by Carl Zeiss Jena and further advanced by Baader Planetarium. It combines all the best features to provide a superb viewing experience - optical quality, high transmission coatings and diopter adjustment to individually focus each eye.

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Baader Mark V
What can I say, my favorite all time observing accessory. The Mark Vs/24mm Panoptics combo spends the more time in my focuser than any other eyepiece. When I do public outreach I normally use a Parracor Type 2 with an Ethos but when it is my observing time, the Mark vs handle about 90% of the workload. If you can afford a pair, they are very well worth the investment. Save up, don't settle for less!!!

Overall Rating: 10
Performance:10 Value:10
Weight: 5 (Veritable Vote)
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