Astronomix 80mm Fluorite Triplet

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Brand and Model:Astronomix 80mm Fluorite Triplet
Price ($USD):$1200.00
Type:Apochromatic Refractor
Attributes: un-checked Go-To un-checked PEC
Aperture:80mm (3.1")
f Ratio:f/5.6
Focal Length:445mm
Electric Power:
Weight (lbs):
Dimensions (w/h/d):

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Astronomix 80mm Fluorite Triplet
Not as good as stated above... Optically, I think the scope's friend I looked onto was kind of strange... At the focal point, it's color-free. However, inside and outside focus there is chromatism, more than in a Taka doublets.
On deep sky it ran great! Nice contrast, great light transmission....On planetary...I think there's a problem here! I saw a huge halo around Jupiter...It couldn't be light pollution because we were in a free pollution site..
It was very annoying, because contrast was not as good as on DSO...

Mechanically, it's not very good. I didn't liked at all the crayford focuser. It was very stiff....

Finally, this scope isn't a beauty....Not as pretty as Taka's series nor Televue...

It did a great job on DSO and might be very very good (if not better than a Tak 78) for DSO CCD. I think this scope is made for that purpose...As for the bright halo around Jupiter...maybe a dispersion problem...

Conclusion: A deep-sky scope, very light-weight, great grab'n go scope, but not so good for planetary viewing. Does certainly a great job with CCD on DSO.

Overall Rating: 7
Optics:7 Ease of Use:7 Value:7
Weight: 4 (Unreliable Vote)
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Astronomix 80mm Fluorite Triplet
I rate the scope high because it is a great blend of performance, vintage and price. I wanted something to give me wide field views and i use a Edmund RKE 28 mm and i have seen more details in M42 than in my big newton simply because the exceptionnal contrast. I can grab it and go outside on a moments notice. You can push the power over 100X easily from suburban skies.

Overall Rating: No Vote
Optics:9 Ease of Use:10 Value:10
Weight: 1 (Unreliable Vote)
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Astronomix 80mm Fluorite Triplet
I rate the scope high because it is a great blend of performance, vintage and price. I wanted something to give me wide field views and i use a Edmund RKE 28 mm and i have seen more details in M42 than in my big newton simply because the exceptionnal contrast. I can grab it and go outside on a moments notice. You can push the power over 100X easily from suburban skies.

Overall Rating: No Vote
Optics:9 Ease of Use:10 Value:10
Weight: 1 (Unreliable Vote)
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Astronomix 80mm Fluorite Triplet
I'm viotng for Orson. I don't see the Golden Silence in his picture (or in anyone else's from the elimination), but he's got potential. I like his work so far. He's young and I think he's ambitious. I think he can get pretty far if he's given another chance.Chloe I don't like her pictures because she uses Photoshop to change what has already been taken. Editing the photo is fine with me, but not moving things around and in this case making an artificial reflection effect. Talent is when the picture is good the way you take it and I think it also depends on how much effort you put into it, but taking a picture from your bedroom window and Photoshopping it just doesn't do it for me. Lightroom will help help perfect your photos, but Photoshop will make them fake.Michael's picture just seems too boring to me. I've seen pictures like his too many times, I don't see the Golden Silence in his photo and overall it's quite dull for my taste. PS: The guy that talked about the Alamby-Pizza-Parent's Basement-Creeps was absolutely right. I agree with him. You should take his advice.

Overall Rating: 5
Optics:4 Mount:9 Ease of Use:5 Value:4
Weight: 1 (Unreliable Vote)
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Astronomix 80mm Fluorite Triplet
Almost perfect! Always a pleasure......

Overall Rating: 9
Optics:10 Ease of Use:9 Value:9
Weight: 1 (Unreliable Vote)
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Astronomix 80mm Fluorite Triplet
[Note: Vote moved from description by webmaster]

Ever dreamed about a Zeiss apochromat?
Try this one! Fluorite Triplet oil-spaced Zeiss like, made by for German army at high cost. Diffraction pattern text-book at very high magnifications, carbon tube and 2" focuser.
Way better than Taks and Televue's of the same aperture!

Overall Rating: No Vote
Weight: 1 (Unreliable Vote)
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