Astronomik UHC

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Brand and Model:Astronomik UHC
Price ($USD):$99
Filter Position:
un-checked .96" checked 1.25" un-checked 2"
un-checked Visual Back un-checked Full Aperture

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Astronomik UHC
I had used the Lumicon UHC in the 2" size for several years and thought it a very useful accessory for deep sky. Worked wonders with the Veil and North America nebula, and with all planetary nebulae. Contrast boost was just right-not too much nor too little. But then I sold both of my 2" eyepieces and the UHC too. Needing a 1.25" UHC filter I chose to try the newer Astronomik, out of curiosity, and since I had read one very enthusiastic online review of the Astronomik (much better than the Lumicon; lots more structure visible in DSOs, etc.). Once I looked thru the Astronomik it was quickly evident to my eye that it did not have anywhere near the contrast boost as the Lumicon, so I sold it and now have the Lumicon 1.25" UHC. There is probably no better UHC filter on the market than this one.

Overall Rating: 6
Optics:6 Value:6
Weight: 1 (Unreliable Vote)
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