Astro-Physics StarFire 152

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Brand and Model:Astro-Physics StarFire 152
Price ($USD):discontinued
Type:Apochromatic Refractor
Attributes: un-checked Go-To un-checked PEC
Aperture:152mm (6")
f Ratio:f/9
Focal Length:1368mm
Electric Power:n/a
Weight (lbs):
Dimensions (w/h/d):
Description:Came with 2.7" focuser (4" also was available), wooden storage case and extension tube for use w/o star diagonal.

Vote Highlights Vote
Astro-Physics StarFire 152
This A-P rates a 10 for the same reason most of Roland's scopes do; it's a fine refractor with sharp, color-free images that show up against velvet-black skies. I've had mine, my third A-P scope, for many years now (read, many oppositions of Jupiter and Mars) and it's been a pleasure to use. Star images are tack-sharp and excellent, as affirmed by testing on either side of focus. Lunar and planetary details are likewise sharp and clear. Since it works at f/9, a good compromise focal length, this refractor also offers outstanding performance for its aperture on the deep sky. With Naglers, particularly the 9 and 20mm models, the scope has been an outstanding Milky Way instrument. At higher powers, in good seeing, open clusters are stunning.

The only downside to the Starfire is that at 152mm and f/9, its fairly large tube assembly can be a bit unwieldy to mount and demount from its cradle, which will be at least at shoulder level on most piers. Roland's newer f/7's are easier to set up and break down.

Still, there aren't that many of these old Starfires around these days, and al;though admittedly they're not as compact as the newer A-P's, they're great telescopes. Hmmm...just realized I haven't addressed the color question, as in, "How color-free is color-free?" My reply is, Don't worry about this. The Starfire design is not as color-free as Roland's newer stuff, but unless you've got spectrophotometers for eyes, you'll likely not notice any problems, even on the Moon and Venus. Remember, this is a very high quality apochromat, working at f/9. If you're seeking a gourmet=grade refractor and you find a Starfire, whether a 152 or any of the other sizes made, I'd recommend a serious look at (and through) it.

Overall Rating: 10
Weight: 5 (Veritable Vote)
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Astro-Physics StarFire 152
I bought a 152 Starfire F9. for about USD3600 delivered with a celestron 700 mount that needs a bit of work.
I would have died for this when I was young. It was cheap in nowadays so called money.

Overall Rating: 8
Optics:9 Mount:8 Ease of Use:3 Value:9
Weight: 1 (Unreliable Vote)
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Astro-Physics StarFire 152
I just hope whoever wtires these keeps writing more!

Overall Rating: 9
Optics:0 Mount:2 Ease of Use:2 Value:7
Weight: 1 (Unreliable Vote)
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