Antares W70 14mm

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Brand and Model:Antares W70 14mm
Price ($USD):$47
Type:Misc Wide Angle
Focal Length:14mm mm
Barrel Size:1.25
Apparent FOV:70.0 degrees
Field Stop Dia.:17.1 mm
Eye Relief:15 mm
Weight (lbs):
Description:Designed and assembled by Glen Speers in Canada, with imported Chinese optical components. The W70 series is intended to be an affordable alternative to more expensive wide-field designs, without sacrificing optical quality. The 5.7mm and 8.6mm are 4 element eyepieces with an attached mini-barlow, giving a shorter focal length while retaining adequate eye relief and exit pupil characteristics. This series comes in 5.7, 8.6, 14, 19, and 25mm focal lengths. The longer focal lengths do not have the attached barlow lens.

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Antares W70 14mm
I recently purchased the 14mm W70 Antares. Using it in both my 12" LX200GPS and my AR-5, I find it gives very nice views that are quite sharp to the edge. Not tack-sharp like my TeleVue Panoptics - but nothing to cry about. Especially considering the price. I would be hesitant to use the shorter F.L. ones due to the added glass cutting down on light transmission, but I may well purchase the longer ones. The added FOV at a Plossl price is great!

Dave in Vermont

Overall Rating: 8
Weight: 5 (Veritable Vote)
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