Brand and Model: | B&W DM 603 |
Price ($USD): | ? |
Form Factor: |
Tower | Bookshelf | Center |
Subwoofer | In-Wall | |
Features: |
Bipolar | Dipolar |
Adj Crossover | Biwiring |
Active | |
Power Handling (RMS): | 25 -120 Watts RMS |
Frequency Response: | -6dB at 39Hz and 30 kHz. |
Sensitivity (dB): | 90dB spl (2.83V, |
Impedance (Ohms): | 8 Ohms |
Weight (lbs): | 38.14 lbs. |
Dimensions (w/h/d): | 9.29 / 33.46 / 12.05 in. (width/ |
Description: | 2-way 4th-order combination passive radiator/vented-box system.
Cabinet: Black Ash Vinyl, Cherry and Rosewood. Grille: Black Cloth.
B&W's 603 Page |