Bausch and lomb 8000
[Note: Vote moved from description by webmaster]

This very nice old SCT has been badly rated over the years and most of the bad complaints are because of user error and not understanding how to use the scope. The fiber type of tube takes a long time to acclimate to the outside temperatures, much longer then an aluminum tube SCT. Thus most people think the optics are bad when they were excellent and air currents in the tube are the problem there. Just allow an hour to cool down and you will find the optics quite good. The other problem is collimination of the secondary mirror it is critical and must be exact. You see when these scopes first arrived amatuers didnt know SCT's need exact alignment of the mirrors so they blamed quality control. I dont how many of these olld scopes were tossed away as garbage because of ignorance. The mount and tripod are heavy and operate silky smooth. Meade and Celestron copied there golden pyramid design mount and are still using it. If you can get one of these scopes you will be fortunate and probably get a bargain because of all the underseved bad feedback.

Overall Rating: No Vote
Weight: 1 (Unreliable Vote)
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>[Note: Vote moved from description by webmaster]
>This very nice old SCT has been badly rated over the years and most of the bad complaints are because of user error and not understanding how to use the scope. The fiber type of tube takes a long time to acclimate to the outside temperatures, much longer then an aluminum tube SCT. Thus most people think the optics are bad when they were excellent and air currents in the tube are the problem there. Just allow an hour to cool down and you will find the optics quite good. The other problem is collimination of the secondary mirror it is critical and must be exact. You see when these scopes first arrived amatuers didnt know SCT's need exact alignment of the mirrors so they blamed quality control. I dont how many of these olld scopes were tossed away as garbage because of ignorance. The mount and tripod are heavy and operate silky smooth. Meade and Celestron copied there golden pyramid design mount and are still using it. If you can get one of these scopes you will be fortunate and probably get a bargain because of all the underseved bad feedback.


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