Carver Amazing Silver
Requires high current amplification; to appreciate the near perfection this
speaker approaches... center yourself with all room lighting off AND your
eyes closed... you will be impressed beyond words.

Spend your amp money on high current/low impedance units and use two of them,
one for each channel, (Not biamped, but briged).

Heaven on Earth will be yours.

Overall Rating: 10
Weight: 1 (Unreliable Vote)
Link to this vote:

>Requires high current amplification; to appreciate the near perfection this
>speaker approaches... center yourself with all room lighting off AND your
>eyes closed... you will be impressed beyond words.
>Spend your amp money on high current/low impedance units and use two of them,
>one for each channel, (Not biamped, but briged).
>Heaven on Earth will be yours.


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