Atlantic Technology System 370 THX
SOUND INCREDIBLE - no other system can match the dynamic range with such realism, and depth! I have been installing A/V and HOME THEATER systems for more then !15 years ---
give WWW.AMSOUND.COM an email, I bought mine last year they had the best deal -

Overall Rating: 8
Sound Quality:8 Looks:7 Value:8
Weight: 1 (Unreliable Vote)
Link to this vote:

>SOUND INCREDIBLE - no other system can match the dynamic range with such realism, and depth! I have been installing A/V  and HOME THEATER systems for more then !15 years ---
>give WWW.AMSOUND.COM  an email, I bought mine last year they had the best deal -
This review was written by the owner of to pump his ratings in the search engines. They frequently post on various forums pretending to be their own customers.
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